Saturday, 5 January 2008
What does this sentence mean? She has all her marbles.
Here are a few examples:
· My neighbor is nearly 90 years old, but she hasn’t lost her marbles.
· If you are forced to stay in your apartment for another week, I’m sure you will lose your marbles.
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What does the word displace means?
For examples:
· A growing number of employees in the old factory have been displaced by computers.
· According to this report, moderates are likely to be displaced by extremists.
· There’s no way that technology will displace teachers in schools and colleges.
Displace has another meaning as well.
When a group of people are displaced, they are forced to move from the place where they are living.
· The proposed dam will displace thousands of villagers.
· I am joining an organization that helps people who have been displaced.
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What is the difference between call on and call at?
The student called on the ailing principals on Wednesday afternoon.
When a teacher Calls on a student in class, she wants him to answer the question.
I don’t understand why she has to call on me all the time.
The expression Call at is normally used in relation to a place. You usually call at some place.
When you call at someplace, you visit the individual at his place – it could be the office, home, etc.
I called at his office on my way to the airport.
The expression Call at can also be used to mean Stop.
According to the brochure, our ship will call at five ports.
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Can the word alma mater be used to refer to one’s school?
Alma mater means Bountiful Mother and it can be used to refer to the school, college or university that you graduated from. Sometimes, schools and college have their own songs, these official songs can also be called Alma Mater.
What is the meaning of Steal a march on?
We stole a march on our rivals by launching the product a month before they did.
The expression comes from the world of medieval warfare. I understand that the word March refer to the distance that an army could cover in a single day. The word Steal means to do something without the other person being aware of it. In the old days, in order to catch their enemy off guard, generals used to march their army during the night. By doing this, they very often succeed in surprising their enemy.
They literally Stole a March on them.
How is the word behove pronounced?
Here is an example.
Remember, you are under oath. It behoves you to tell the truth.
The domestic engineer is out of town. What does this sentence mean?
A domestic engineer could be a man or a woman. He or she stays at home and measure that things run smoothly.
What do you mean by the phrase put their money where their mouth is?
For Example:
I think you should stop complaining about how corrupt our politicians are. Put your money where you mouth is and contest in the coming elections.
What does the expression came out with guns blazing mean?
What does the expression ready to rumble mean?
How is the word nuptial pronounced?
I had to laugh when the old woman referred to her bedroom as her nuptial chamber.
What is the difference between High Commissioner and Ambassador?
The former term is used to refer to Britain’s diplomatic missions in commonwealth countries.
For example, the diplomatic mission in Delhi is called the High Commission and the senior diplomat in charge of it is the High Commissioner.
Since the United States and Russia were never a part of the commonwealth, Britain’s diplomatic missions in these countries are called Embassies and not High Commissions. The person in charge of one is called Ambassador.
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What is the meaning of : humor me?
Sometimes, young children come and tell us tall tales. They narrate events which couldn’t have happened. A child may tell us that there was a tiger in the garden and that he drove it away with a stick. When children tell us such stories, as adults, it is our job to believe them. Why do we pretend to believe them? Simple. We want to keep the children happy. We want to keep the children happy; we want to humour them. When you tell someone humor me what you want the person to do is to agree with what you are saying or what you may be saying, but you want the person to agree with you just to keep you happy .
The husband thought it best though to humour his wife.
I hold the purse strings. So you had better humour me.
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How is the word ombudsman pronounced?
An ombudsman is someone who investigates complaints made by people against the government or any public organization. He is an independent official who represents the common man in his fight against the government.
All complaints must be made in writing to the banking ombudsman by three this afternoon.
The word is Swedish in origins and it means representative or agent. I understand that the word was borrowed into English in the 1960s. The word is being slowly replaced by ombudsperson.
What is the meaning of square peg in a round hole?
There is a round hole. What would happen if someone inserts a square peg (which means wooden stick in square shape) into the round hole. The square peg would not enter into the hole. Because of mismatch between the two sizes. This expression is just the figurative meaning of this mismatch.
I’ve always felt like a square peg in a round hole in this university. I think it’s about time I resigned.
What is the meaning of Crony Capitalism?
What is the origin of denim?
Is it ok to say : discuss about something?
We will not discuss what happened at the meeting.
The word discussion, on the other hand, can be followed by about what happened at the meeting.
What is the meaning of finale?
The last item in a stage show can be referred to as a finale. So can the final movement of a musical composition.
The fireworks were the grand finale of the ten – day event.
What is the meaning of Eater’s Coma?
If I eat everything that is on the table I’ll lapse into an either’s coma.
Is it okay to say : Some of the animals have become extinguished?
Dinosaurs, for example, have become extinct.
There are reasons to believe that the tiger will soon become extinct.
Some of the animals in the rainforests are on the verge of extinction.
The word extinguish on the other hand is usually used along with the word Fire. When you extinguish a fire or a flame, you put it out.
The firemen battled for three hours before they extinguished the fire.
Which is correct?
Deter from doing something.
First let’s deal with the pronunciation of deter. The first e is like the I in bit and sit, and the second e is like the ir in shirt, bird and dirt. The stress is on the second syllable ter. The word deter is usually followed by from and not to. When you deter someone from doing something, you discourage him from doing it. You achieve this by making the individual realize how difficult the task may by or by highlighting the unpleasant consequences of performing the task. You do everything to ensure that the person no longer wishes to continue to do what he was doing.
Nothing you say will deter the students from joining the protestors.
What is the meaning and origin of ding–dong battle?
Ding – dong bell: Pussy is in the well. Well the expression ding – dong refers to the sound that a bell makes. The back and forth motion of the knocker hitting a bell. When you day that two participants were involved in a ding – dong battle, what you mean is that they were involved in a long drawn out battle. The fight was intense and there were times when each participant seemed to have to upper hand in turns. In a ding – dong battle, it is often very difficult to predict who will emerge the winner, sometimes, the result is inconclusive.
Another expression which has more or less the same meaning is See – saw battle.
When you sit on the see – saw, you are up one moment, and down the other.
The fans were hoping for a ding – dong battle. They were disappointed when the guises thrashed them.
What does the word bellyache mean?
Here are a few examples.
Whenever I run into Pankaj, he bellyaches about all the work he has to do.
Some of your friends tell me that you bellyache about a lot of things.
A person who is constantly complaining is a bellyacher.
Dead to the world: What do you mean by this phrase?
After doing all the karate exercises, Mary was dead to the world”.
Sumatra was dead to the world. We were just unable to wake her up.
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What is meant by the phrase : hotfoot it home?
In other words, when you hotfoot it, you run. You run or walk quickly.
Here are few examples.
When the car broke down, the CEO and his wife were forced to hot foot it to the airport.
I got up late yesterday. So I had to hotfoot it to school.
The expression hotfoot it is mostly used in format contexts.
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What is meant by the phrase : game face?
We mean that the look of determination and concentration is called Game face.
Here are few examples.
Don’t be fooled by his jokes. Once he has got his game face on and steps on to the field, Chatham is a completely different person.
You should see me when I have my game face on.
What is the difference between the following two sentences?
I will meet you at the mall.
The first sentence implies that you are going to meet the person inside the building. Where exactly inside the mall you are going to meet the individual, we don’t really know. All that we know is that the meeting is going to take place inside. When someone informs you that he will meet at the mall, you are not really sure whether it is inside or outside the building. It could be either.
What is the meaning of the phrase : Spill the beans?
As expected, Sushi spilled the beans about Hari’s Surprise party.
What is the difference between damsel and spinster?
A Spinster, unlike a damsel, is usually middle aged or old. She is someone who has never married and her chances of getting married are remote. A damsel is single for the time being. She may choose to marry later on.
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What is the meaning of Eleemosynary?
Not all dictionaries include this word. Eleemosynary is mostly used in formal contexts and it means relating to charity or the giving of alms.
We intend to provide eleemosynary assistance to the poor in our neighborhood.
How are the words drought and draught pronounced?
I could feel the cold draught coming through the wooden walls.
What is the difference between infant and toddler?
A newborn baby or a very young child can be called an infant. In American English the word is normally used to refer to baby, especially a very young one. In British English, children as old as 7 are called infants.
In England, children between the ages of 4 and 7 go to infant schools. According to British law, anyone under the age of 18 is an infant.
There is less confusion about the word toddler. He is someone who toddles. In other words, he is someone who is just beginning to walk. He takes small, unsteady steps.
What is the meaning and origin of blurb?
According to the blurb this is the best novel written by the author.
Although the idea of a blurb had been in existence for a long time, the word itself was coined only in the 20th century. I understand that it was the brainchild of Gelet Burgess, the well – known author of The Purple Cow. When his new book Are you Bromide? was launched, Burgess persuaded his publishers to do away with the usual sugary write – up. Instead, he made them paste the picture of a girl whom he named Miss. Belinda Blurb. The back cover said Yes, This A BLURB. It contained quotes from Ms. Blurb As a result, anything that was printed on the back cover began to be called a blurb. Nowadays, we have blurbs on DVDs and VCD Covers as well.
What is the meaning of Chequebook Diplomacy?
Many countries sent troops, but there were some whose constitution did not permit them to send troops aboard. Japan and Germany two of the closest allies of the U.S, were two such countries. Since they couldn’t commit troops to the coalition, these two rich nations did the next best thing – they gave a lot of money for the war effort. This is how Chequebook Diplomacy came into being.
Nowadays, the expression is used to describe any international policy in which a country dangles money in the form of economic aid and investment to win diplomatic favor. Another expression that has more or less the same meaning is Dollar Diplomacy.
China denies using Chequebook Diplomacy in Africa.
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How is the expression Sotto voce pronounced?
Sotto Means under and Voce means voice.
When you say something sotto voice, you say it in a soft voice. When what you say is spoken in a low volume, you speak softly out of the corner of your mouth, so that you are not overheard by anyone. The word is considered literary, and is mostly used in formal contexts.
During the principal’s speech, several students made snide remarks sotto voce.
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What is the meaning and origin of the phrase let your hair down?
It was only after the completion of this last exam that Chetan let his hair down.
In the old days, women had to put their hair up in a hun during the daytime. The only time when they could literally let their hair down and themselves was when they were ready to go to be.
What is the difference between these two sentences?
The theatre has been closed.
The first sentence suggests that the theatre is not open at the moment; it is locked for the time being. Chances are, it will open little later. It has not been closed permanently.
The second sentence, on the other hand, seems to suggest that someone has forcibly closed down the theatre. Perhaps the municipal authorities were unhappy with the safety features and decided to shut the place down. In this case, the closure is either permanent or for a lengthy period of time.
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What is the meaning of Bangalored?
According to the article, another 10,000 people will be Bangalored by the end of the year.
It is not often that the name of a city is used a verb. As a proud Hyderabad, you may wonder why the Americans chose the city of Bangalore. You must remember that during the early stages of outsourcing most of the companies were moving to this city – Bangalore was then perceived as the silicon valley of India. The American’s fear of losing jobs to the city of Bangalore gave rise to another word: Bangalore phobia.
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Is it okay to say It took Mohan Six Months to recover from his fatal accident?
The ailing chief minister suffered a fatal heart attack around midnight.
Several policemen were fatally wounded during the encounter with the militants.
The word fatal can also be used to mean undesirable or causing disaster.
The captain made the fatal mistake of asking Akaka to brown the final over.
Shaun’s injury proved fatal to our plans of winning the trophy.
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What is the meaning of the phrase pull the rug from under someone’s feet?
Here are few examples:
Paha pulled the rug from under his children’s feet by denying them their allowance.
The company was losing money. It decided to pull to rug from under the fated project.
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How is the word honcho pronounced and what does it mean?
Meera, the top honcho in the accounts department, listened patiently to our problem.
When used as a verb honcho means to manage or direct something.
Did Revathi tell you who is likely to honcho the project?
Amrita is honchoing the preparations for the forthcoming seminar.
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Is there such a word as auto dentist?
What is the meaning and origin of on cloud nine?
The entire team was on cloud nine after winning the championship.
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How is the word exorcism pronounced?
The witch doctor tried to exorcise the evil spirit form the library.
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What is the difference between magazine and journal?
For example, a journal can be a monthly, quarterly etc. The articles contained in a journal can be a monthly, quarterly, etc. The articles contained in a journal are usually scholarly serious in nature and deal with a specialized area. For example, we have the journal of linguistics, journal of writing, etc.
A Magazine on the other hand doesn’t limit itself to one area. It deals with various subjects – politics, entertainment and sports. Since the articles are about sports and since the articles are meant for the general public, they are much shorter and are usually accompanied by photographs. Outlook, Frontline, and Sport star are all magazines, not journals. And like the journal, they too are brought out at regular intervals.
What is the meaning and origin of cakewalk?
Given you experience, getting the job should be a cakewalk.
The first couple of rounds of the tournament should be a cakewalk.
The Cakewalk was a form of entertainment among African Americans. Well – dressed couples that took part in this competition were made to walk around a cake. The pair that performed this task most gracefully was awarded a prize. In most cases, the prize was the cake itself. The winner used to take the cake. Later, the word cakewalk was used to refer to a popular form of dance.
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What is the meaning of the word Affability?
Many students find the new teacher’s affability very irritating.
Is it correct to say? Come to here.
The children ran upstairs/downstairs. (Not ran to upstairs/downstairs)
The CEO asked us to come here. (Not Come to here)
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What is the difference between murder and manslaughter?
When you murder someone, the act of killing the individual is deliberate or intentional. Usually, it is planned, and is carried out in a cold – blooded manner. It is for this reason that the punishment for murder is very server. In the case of manslaughter, the act of killing may or may not be intentional. You could end up killing someone quite accidentally.
If your kill you aunt or uncle because you want their property, then it is murder. If you run over a pedestrian, it is manslaughter. Then you kill someone quite accidentally. When you kill someone in self – defense it is manslaughter and not murder.
The murder in Noida has upset many people in our country.
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What is the meaning of the phrase devil - may – care attitude?
When it comes to his studies, Sandeep has a devil – may – care attitude.
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Is it ok to say, Irregardless of what you say, I plan to marry him?
What does going stir crazy mean? Where did this expression come from?
And you feel angry because the fever has forced you to stay inside।
Exactly! I feel angry and upset because I have been confined to the house। This forced confinement is making me very restless.
You probably feel very anxious। I think I understand what stir crazy means now.
How about this example?
· I promised my sister that I would take care of her kids while she was on tour। But after a week, I was going stir crazy.
· I’m told that people who live in really cold places get stir crazy during the winter season.
It was a slang term used in prison।
We understand the slang word for prison is stir। Stir crazy was the expression used by inmates to refer to prisoners who had become mentally unbalanced because of their confinement.
Being cooped up in prison for a long time had driven them crazy।
Later, the expression was used to refer to any kind of confinement। Not just prison.